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Create your blog website in less than a day with Nexca. Our powerful admin panel lets you manage your content effortlessly, no coding required.

Nexca Admin Panel


Here is a few of the awesome Services we provide.



With Nexca panel you cna Create Read Update Delete All your posts without any coding knowlege

Access All your posts Easily


Inside of your panel you can see all your post and be able to modifiy theme. Also you can send any post to anywhere on your site



Add Services page for your webiste from your panel and move you post into that.



Inside of your panel and see all the idea and feed back of other people about your website

Admin Page


In the home page you see the detail about amount of your post , categories and so on.


The list of the companies that we work to make this happend


App dir, Routing, Layouts, Loading UI and API routes.


Server and Client Components. Use hook.


We Use mongodb to save your data


we are using the tailwind css and daisyui to give you website nice look for each components and themes


Authentication using Clerk to have safe and beatfull style


For hosting we handle you hosting with free hobby plan of the vercel but If you want more you must pay based on vercel

Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We are here to help!

Nexca is an admin panel designed to help you manage and administer your site. It's built with Next.js, JavaScript, TailwindCSS, and uses MongoDB for the database.
Nexca aims to provide a user-friendly admin panel to efficiently manage and control your website's content and functionalities.

To set up Nexca, clone the repository, install all necessary packages, configure the .env file with your environment variables, and then host it to use with your site.

Change the env.sample to env.local then Enter your specific environment variables in the .env file as per your hosting requirements.

You need Node.js installed on your system to run Nexca, along with a MongoDB database instance.

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